Browse By Tags

  • Error in Report Builder

    We are trying to edit a report in Report Builder and I'm getting the error message below. If you can point me in the right direction. I would greatly appreciate it. Support is saying its a Microsoft issue. PLATFORM VERSION INFO Windows : 10.0.17134...
  • Using Azure or other to Host Arena Premium and/or SQL?

    Does anyone have any experience (or is it even possible) hosting Arena Premium and SQL on Azure or another hosted box and still keep the dev level access? Any thoughts are appreciated!
  • Need a list/report with event custom fields and fields from membership details

    This doesn't seem like it should be so hard but I don't have the SQL programming knowledge to get what I want. I have Sunday School Registrations as an event and the admin has all the rooms and times assigned for each kiddo. They want to celebrate Baptism...
  • Finding Missions Edit History

    Hey Folks, Someone on my staff is (hopefully unintentionally) inactivating missions trips when they shouldn't. Now I'm trying to figure out WHO is doing it. The missions table (trip_mission) seems to only save the user who most recently modified the...
  • Date Format in Report Grid from Query Module

    Just starting to get into Modules for New Pages and SQL ... so please be patient with my likely silly questions! I am using the Query below to get Staff Birthdays; currently the date is displaying as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM, I'd like it to only have...
  • Freelance programmer opportunity

    We are looking for a programmer with experience working with the ARENA database to write a hopefully simple script for us. We want to query the SQL database for event tags and convent the data into XML or RSS data and then post that to a URL. If interested...
  • Re: Date Format in Report Grid from Query Module

    Thanks! Looks like the second thread should answer my question with this line: CONVERT(DATE,P.birth_date) AS [birth_date] however, still struggling with where/how to insert it into this query, and have it display instead of the full mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss...