Browse By Tags

  • Vulnerability - Apache - Java log4j

    Our IT company sent an email today with a notice for a vulnerability that affects a "significant amount of software". Apache has released a patch for it. Is this something used in Arena? If yes, how do we make sure it gets patched? The email we got...
  • Group Tier Level

    Hi All, My Group tree has a "Book Study". I want to list individual studies by title and then the participants in each individual study. But as it is set up, "Book Study" is set up with two tiers which is one more than I want/need. How do I change...
  • New User Guidance

    HELP! I am new in my church office position. I am going to be the new "Arena Master" (Global Admin) and I have no idea where to begin! I did a couple hours of training and know basic data management. My head pastor told me we should be able to add all...
  • Mobile Portal doesn't have LogOut option

    Hi, I am getting our mobile portal ready for staff to use and cannot get a LogOut option to appear. Anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions? Thanks! Sue
  • Check-In Issue from the Weekend

    We had a weird thing happen this past weekend (Jan 28). We had 4 families try to check in, and it said "No classes available," and I can't figure out why. All of the kids from each family are identified appropriately (we use groups, and they are all...
  • Running a contributor list include names of spouses

    I have been trying to find a way to create a contribution list that includes the names of spouses. Speaking with a Shelby representative, I should be able to do this using the Contribution Analysis report, but it is not working correctly. This report...
  • Web Server

    How many Arena self hosted churches are using an on site Web Server vs an third party web host for the Arena Web server? Any suggestions as to which is a better option?
  • List Security Please Help

    Former Member
    Former Member
    I just created an advanced list as the administrator. I have access to several very confidential Ministry tags -- tags where we are recording confidential information on people we are counseling. The security is set on the tags themselves where only...
  • Roster report with photos?

    We would like a report (roster) that looks similar to the Roster tab in Groups. It looks perfect on the screen with photo and personal info, but there is no way to print it from there. Support says I need to create a report that looks like it. I can...
  • Live Streaming Services? When and What to track in Arena?

    If your church provides online steaming of your services, I'd like to ask for your feedback on what all you track and analyze in Arena. Is your online Service handled like an actual additional campus? A separate venue? Or perhaps participation is tracked...
  • Job Opening for an Arena Administrator/Developer...

    Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY is actively seeking an Arena Administrator/Developer. The job description, in part, includes: Responsibilities will include , but are not limited to, Arena Administration, system administration, a working...
  • Heartfelt Thanks to the Community...

    Just a note to the Community to announce my retirement from Northeast Christian Church. I have served on staff here for 21 years and have many fond memories. You also play a part in those memories. Thanks so much for all of the questions answered,...
  • Arena Automated Installation

    I'm doing some upgrade testing and I'm doing a lot of uninstall/reinstall of various versions of Arena. Is there a way to automate the installation so I don't have to type the values into each field over and over? From command prompt, I've figured...
  • international addresses

    We have a campus in another country. Quite likely to be more than 1 in the very near future. This campus is starting small groups. We need to be able to enter people from foreign country into our database, but Arena standardizes for US addresses. Any...
  • Arena Administrator Job Description

    Hey - our office administrator asked me to see if anyone has already put together a job description specific to Arena administration who would be willing to share it. So ... anyone have something you're willing to share as a starting point for us to...
  • RE: Arena Administrator Job Description

    Arena Administrators work directly with each ministry/department to make wants and needs come to life. They must have solid communication and team building skills, be able to sort through sometimes fractured information, reach an understanding of ultimate...
  • Data Cleanup

    What standard processes are people using to maintain their Arena database? Does anyone have a schedule or routine they follow? If so, would you be willing to share that?
  • Spiritual Gifts

    Does anyone have a Spiritual Gifts survey they have customized & integrated with Arena? I've been asked to start this project so I thought I would begin on the Community. Thanks!
  • Missions

    I am trying to view more missions related video but do not have access. Can you Pls provide that access. Johnny Long Global Outreach Director Hope Church Cordova, TN
  • Internal Structure for Managing the Arena Database

    Former Member
    Former Member
    Hello Arena Community. I was hoping to get some information on staffing and responsibilities regarding your interal maintenance of the Arena database. We've attempted to divide responsibilities to each Administrative Assistant in each area (children...
  • Metrics charts ....not loading on a specific computer

    Has anyone seen this error message before and have any idea how to fix it? This error message is what is seen where a chart should be viewable in a metric. Error handling file: include/amline.amline_settings.xml
  • Forum Suggestion - Templates

    I know we already have a modules forum which developers can benefit from, however I think a templates forum would be even more useful. Templates and template design guides are helpful to non-developers as well as developers, and it will be very helpful...
  • Implemenation Timeline

    We have had our Discovery Visit. We are migrating from v5 to Arena the first week of July. We have a list of things that need to be done, but would love to have some help breaking this list down into a real timeline - so that we know when we should have...
  • Planning Center Resources

    We currently use EMS and plan to go to another provider. Does anyone use Planning Center Resources? If so we would appreciate feedback. Has anyone reviewed Planning Center Resources and be willing to share why they think it is or is not a good...
  • Multi campus set up for groups

    Any multi-site (multi-campus) churches out there have useful advice for setting up groups within arena configuration? What did you do? What did you like/dislike about it? What would you do differently? Thanks, Michael
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